Draft Guards

26 November, 2020

Draft guards can help save heat from escaping under the door. Draft guards can help save heat from escaping under the door.

Dealer of the Year Award

13 November, 2020

Stoneridge Outdoor Living has been awarded the Dealer of the Year award for the third year in a row by Four Seasons Sunrooms. Four Seasons Sunrooms is the leader in manufacturing innovative, quality outdoor living solutions. Four Seasons Sunrooms has over 250 franchises/dealers across North America, and Stoneridge Outdoor Living is proud not only to […]

Benefits of Stoneridge Outdoor Living Replacements

5 November, 2020

UPGRADE YOUR HOME’S WINDOWS Replacing your old windows is something every homeowner should consider, even if there aren’t any telltale signs of wear and tear. New windows offer a host of benefits including energy efficiency, improved aesthetics and ease of use. BENEFITS OF REPLACEMENT WINDOWS FROM Stoneridge Outdoor Living: Energy-Efficiency – Window technology has advanced […]

Add a Ceiling Fan

28 October, 2020

Add a ceiling fan and save money by not running the air-conditioner on those marginal days when all you need is air movement. #weekend #DIY #homeimprovement #upgrade #budget #summer #handyman #ceilingfan #install Add a ceiling fan and save money by not running the air-conditioner on those marginal days when all you need is air movement. […]